Paul Schrader Makes New Movie "Oh, Canada" With Actor Friend
Director Paul Schrader poses for portrait photographs for the film 'Oh, Canada', at the 77th international film festival, Cannes, southern France, Friday, May 17, 2024. (Photo by Scott A Garfitt/Invision/AP)

Paul Schrader Makes New Movie "Oh, Canada" With Actor Friend

May 17th, 2024

A man named Paul Schrader made a movie. He took pictures for this movie at a big movie event in France. The movie is called "Oh, Canada". Paul is 77 years old and he has been sick, but he is better now. He wanted to make a movie because he had new ideas. He has made many movies before. Paul and his actor friend, Richard Gere, worked together again. They made a movie a long time ago and now they made a new one. Richard plays a man who is very sick and talks about his life on camera. This movie is special and they want more people to see it. Paul likes making movies. He thinks about how movies cost money, but he knows how to do it. He goes to watch movies a lot and talks about them on the internet. He thinks it is fun to watch some movies with other people. Paul says making movies today is not easy, but it is not too hard. You can make a movie, but getting money from movies is hard.
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💭 Discussion Questions

. Who made a new movie?
. Where did Paul take pictures for his new movie?
. Who is Paul's actor friend in the new movie?

📖 Vocabulary

🌐 Cultural context

Paul Schrader is a filmmaker in the United States. He went to a film festival in France, a country known for loving cinema. He's older and experienced in creating films. His friend Richard Gere, also from the U.S., is well-known as an actor. They hope people will watch their new film.

🧠 Further reading

Independent film
Some movies are made outside of big movie companies. These movies are called independent films, or indie films. They can be full stories or short ones. People who make indie films like to show their own style and ideas. Indie films often cost less money to make than big company movies. Sometimes famous actors will work in indie movies for less money. They do this because they believe in the movie or want to help the person who is making it. Also, they might want to show off a skill that big movies don't see. Or, they just like the person who is directing the movie. For example, famous actors John Travolta and Bruce Willis worked for less money in the movie "Pulp Fiction" because they liked the director, Quentin Tarantino. Indie movies are not shown in many places at first. But sometimes they get to be in big movie theaters. These movies are also shown at film festivals before more people can see them. If an indie film has enough money and help to be shown to people, it can be just as popular as big movies. A long time ago, a group called the "Edison Trust" was in charge of making and showing movies. They were the only ones who could do this, like a very special club.

List of film director and actor collaborations
Some movie directors and actors work together a lot. They make many movies together. These teams are famous. They have done many movies, too many to say all their names.

Film emulation
People used to take pictures with old cameras and special papers. These old styles made pictures look different. People can now make new photos look old using computers. Long ago, people took photos with things called heliography, daguerreotype, cyanotype, tintype, and ambrotype. Film came next and was very important for taking pictures and making movies. Movies were first made on film. But then, videos came for TVs and homes. Film stayed special for big cinemas. A company named Sony made the first digital movie camera in the year 2000. Now, most movies are not on film. For many years, if you wanted a picture, it was on film. Then, little digital cameras came in the 1990s. After that, phones started to have cameras. Today, almost everyone takes pictures with phone cameras. This change made it hard for old film companies.