Lost Old Metal Arrow Found and Returned to Vermont Station
An antique weathervane that once sat on top of a Vermont railway station before it was stolen in 1983 is shown on Tuesday, May 14, 2024 in Barre, Vt. The weathervane was recently found and returned to Vermont last week. (Jennifer Hauck/The Valley News via AP)

Lost Old Metal Arrow Found and Returned to Vermont Station

May 15th, 2024

A long time ago, a special metal arrow that shows wind direction was taken from a train station in Vermont. It was made a very long time ago, in 1910. The metal arrow was lost for many years. But now, people found it again! They brought it back to Vermont so it can be at home. People are very happy to have it back. Soon, they will put it somewhere nice so everyone can see it. A big company helped to bring it back and paid to move it. The metal arrow used to sit on top of the train station and it looks like an old train. It was missing since 1983. Now, it will be shown again for people to enjoy.
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💭 Discussion Questions

. What was taken from the train station in Vermont?
. When was the special metal arrow made?
. Who helped to bring the metal arrow back?

📖 Vocabulary

🌐 Cultural context

This article is from Vermont, USA. Vermont has a history of trains and railroads. The metal arrow is a weathervane, a weather tool. It's special because it's old and part of local history. It was lost and found, which makes people happy.

🧠 Further reading

Conservation and restoration of shipwreck artifacts
We take care of old things from shipwrecks. These things have been in the water for a long time. They tell us about history. People who study old things and take care of them work hard to save these things. Ships can sink in rivers or the sea. The water can change the old things in different ways. In rivers, the water is not salty, so things do not break so easily. But sometimes little creatures can eat the wood. In the sea, the water has salt, and this can make the old things get a hard shell. It can keep them safe, but they can break easily too. We try to save these old things from the water and make sure they do not break. It is a big job and can cost a lot of money. But it is important to remember the stories of the ships and the people from long ago.

Rose Fitzgerald Kennedy Greenway
There is a big park in Boston called the Rose Fitzgerald Kennedy Greenway. It has pretty gardens, places to walk, squares, water fountains, art, and special lights. The park is very long and goes through different parts of the city. It opened in 2008. The park is named after a woman named Rose Fitzgerald Kennedy. She was part of the Kennedy family and was born close to the park. Her son helped make the park. A group called the Rose Fitzgerald Kennedy Greenway Conservancy takes care of the park. They started in 2004. They help the park look beautiful and bring people together. The park is paid for by money from the government and money from businesses and people. In 2017, they made a plan for who gives money to help the park stay nice. A long time ago, in the 1940s, people wanted to build a big road to help with traffic and moving things around Boston.

Public art
Public art is special art that everyone can see and enjoy. This art is outside in places like parks and streets. It is for all people, not just for some. People make it together and sometimes the government helps. Public art is easy to find and everyone can go to see it. Even if it is on private land, people can still go and look at it. This art is made for the place where it is and for the people who live there. It is a part of the community.