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Profissão: International Trade Services Manager/ESL tutor-instructor
Finance and Banking, English Language Instruction, Entrepreneurship
24 years experience in international banking, trade services and trade finance. 7 years experience ESL instruction online.

Interesses: I am married, with two adult sons. After a 24 year career in international banking I retired in 2016 and have been teaching English online for the last 7 years. In addition, I've started and run my own business, so I understand the challenges of entrepreneurship. I love the outdoors, camping, biking, canoeing and travel. History and geography are two of my passions and I love to talk about current events.

Educação: Masters in International Management
Entrepreneurship, Finance and Banking
Obtained a Masters in International Management (MIM) in 2009, from the University of St Thomas in St Paul, Minnesota, USA

Idiomas falados: inglês (Nativo), espanhol (Fluente)

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