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Beth K

Profissão: Teacher English On-line
I enjoyed teaching over 2500 classes to children. I stress correct pronunciation and sentence structure. Using English is everyday conversation.

Supervisor United States Postal Service
Government, Shipping and Transportation, Training and Development, Management
I began my 25 year career as a rural mail carrier, progressing to an instructor and retiring as a supervisor.

Interesses: I am an outdoor person, riding horses, swimming, biking and hiking. I like animals and spending time with my familty.

Educação: Bachelor of Education University of Kentucky
Education, Sports and Athletics
I received my degree in 1983, I focused on recreation and leisure studies. I have instructed numerous sports activities as well as horsemanship.

TEFL Certificate
Completed a 50 hour class in instructing the English language.

Idiomas falados: inglês (Nativo)

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