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Gregg Aidikoff

Профессия: Teacher of the Oceans
A Master Scuba Diver trainer for 25 years now.,This means that I can teach you how to dive, and then how to teach diving. I teach in Spanish as well because I lived in Colombia,SA.for 4 years and learned Spanish while living and teaching there.

Интересы: I am a people person,and am interested in what passions you have, and how you would like to converse in English to better your life. The ocean is my main passion in my life, and I am always happy to tell you about how incredible scuba diving is and what it has meant to my life.

Образование: Master's Degree in Scuba Training
Teaching children and adults about Marine Biology,Ocean Sciences and how to scuba dive.

Владение языками: английский (Носитель языка), испанский (Разговорный уровень)

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