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Teacher Pippa

전문 분야: Online English Teacher
English Language Instruction, Teaching, Education
Teaching English online to children aged 3 - 14 years old using National Geographic and Oxford Reading Tree books.

ESL Teacher
English Language Instruction, Teaching, Education
Teaching children and adults to speak English as a second language and prepare for internal examinations.

Ministays Manager
English Language Instruction, Management
Managing language study camps for foreign students coming to study and travel within the UK.

관심 분야: I love to go hiking in my spare time and I live right in between the hillside and the beach so it's perfect for long walks in between classes. When we aren't in a pandemic, I travel quite a lot! Last year I lived and worked in Indonesia and it was a very interesting experience! When it's allowed, I would love to see some more of the world this year.. I plan to travel and learn to become a yoga teacher too!

학력: B.A. Hons in French and Film + Television Studies
Education, Writing and Journalism
Aberystwyth University

가능 언어: 영어 (원어민), 프랑스어 (초중급), 웨일스어 (유창함)

프로필 동영상: