جرِّب كامبلي مجانًا. لن تحتاج لدفع شيء اثناء التجربة المجانية.


المهنة: TEFL Teacher

الاهتمامات: I am a very curious person who loves to discuss an array of things from different cultures and lifestyles to a persons hobbies and interests. I love to spend my time outdoors in nature. My goal is to speak with as many people from around the world as possible. I have been able to enjoy many beautiful places around the world and I am excited to adventure to more! I like to spend time working out to manitain good health.

التعليم: 10+ Teaching years experience. CELTA Certified. Certified IELTS Teacher Trainer. TEFL TCERT Qualification. Bachelor of Hons in Criminology & Sociology.

لغات التحدث: الإنجليزية (اللغة الأم)

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