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Rose Marie 37

전문 분야: English Teacher
English Language Instruction
Worked in public schools within Chile to help young learners with understanding basic concepts in English language learning.

관심 분야: I am an avid traveler and have been to countries all over Europe and South America. My most memorable traveling experience was the year I spent studying in Istanbul, Turkey. I am very interested in traveling more of Eastern Europe as well as the Middle East. I love cooking and baking and am often in the kitchen. My newest fascination has been experimenting with sourdough breads. I also love to dance and often go out salsa dancing. I read a lot and love fantasy novels.

학력: B.S. Recreation Administration with minor in International Studies
Hospitality and Tourism
My main emphasis in my degree was understanding sustainable business models within tourism and how to implement tourism enterprises that benefit whole communities.

가능 언어: 영어 (원어민), 스페인어 (초중급)

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