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Silvia G K

전문 분야: College Student

관심 분야: I have a multi-cultural background having been born in Finland and having lived in Brazil. I moved to Ireland at a young age, and having lived here for over 15 years, English has become my first language and I have a subtle Irish accent. I can also understand Finnish, and speak Brazilian Portuguese fluently (my mother is Brazilian).
I just graduated college with a degree in Fine Art (yes, I'm an artist).

학력: Bachelors Degree in Fine Art Media

가능 언어: 영어 (원어민), 포르투갈어 (유창함), 프랑스어 (기초 수준), 핀란드어 (기초 수준), 일본어 (기초 수준)

프로필 동영상: