جرِّب كامبلي مجانًا. لن تحتاج لدفع شيء اثناء التجربة المجانية.

Ana Kou

المهنة: Freelance tutor

الاهتمامات: Hello! My name is Anastasia, and I am a university student in Canada.

Being from Montreal, I have been exposed to so many different languages and cultures. I am certain that my home is where I get my affinity for learning new languages from. I am fluent in both English and French!

I love discussing the arts and film, making short films, and taking photos during my free time. Being well-versed in the art world allows me to connect with so many different people.

التعليم: Certified Tutor by the College Reading & Learning Association

لغات التحدث: الإنجليزية (اللغة الأم), الفرنسية (تحدُّث بطلاقة), اليونانية (محادثة), البرتغالية (أساسي)

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