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Profissão: Foreign Languages Teacher

Interesses: My biggest passion is languages! My native language is English, but I also speak Spanish and German fluently, and I can understand a little bit of French and Portuguese. I also love travelling! I have been to over 50 countries, and I have lived in Germany, Colombia and Vietnam! I also love reading, playing ping pong, and food!

Educação: I am a qualified languages teacher with a PGCE qualification. I also have a Bachelor's degree from the University of Bristol in German and Spanish, and I have studied at Heidelberg University in Germany and the University of the Andes in Colombia. I also have a CELTA teaching qualification.

Idiomas falados: Tiếng Anh (Nativo), Tiếng Tây Ban Nha (Fluente), Tiếng Đức (Fluente), Tiếng Pháp (Básico), Tiếng Bồ Đào Nha (Conversação)

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