
Godfrey F

専門分野: Site agent
Building and Architecture
Site agent for a Construction Company
( current )

ESL Teacher
Language centers and public schools
( China & Vietnam )

興味: I love sports and anything outdoors. I love traveling and seeing new things. Food is an obvious favorite for me. As my students so frequently reminded me that I might be a bit overweight. I'm newly married to the love of my life, and we both share our love for animals. We have a dog now, Charlie. He's a cute little furry baby. Looks a lot like his dad(me), quite hairy. I love cars and sports.

学歴: TEFL
English Language Instruction
Certificate in: Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages

話せる言語: 英語 (ネイティブ), アフリカーンス語 (流暢に話せるレベル)
