

専門分野: ESL online teacher
Education, English Language Instruction, Internet
I have been an English teacher for over 21 years and currently been doing so online for 3 years. I love teaching people of all ages and getting to know new cultures.

Customer Service Representative
Hospitality and Tourism, Sales, Customer Support
I worked as a Hotel Receptionist for well-known hotel brands. I thoroughly enjoyed this job because it enabled me to meet and speak to people from all over the world.

Vacation Rental Manager
Hospitality and Tourism
I manage Private vacation homes in the Caribbean and enjoy working with others and meeting other people from all over the world.

興味: I love the following:
1. Helping others through volunteer work and disaster relief programs.
2. Music & Dance
3. Photography and Video editing
4. Reading
5. Cleaning
6. Working hard
7. Gardening

学歴: Bachelors Degree
I have a Bachelors degree in Education

話せる言語: 英語 (ネイティブ), スペイン語 (流暢に話せるレベル)
