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Niki Tam

Profesión: English Teacher Kindergarten
Education, Environment, Mental Health, Teaching
I have been an English kindergarten / primary teacher in Cambodia & Thailand. Currently living in Thailand. Conversational English with various foreign teachers from around the world, including local teachers.

Online Teacher
Education, English Language Instruction, Environment, Teaching
In addition, I assist with online mock tests for young IELTS students in Vietnam, as well as general conversations.

Intereses: I love waking up early when there are hardly any human sounds, and all you can hear is the beauty of Mother earth and her gentleness and love. Listening to the birds waking up or just settling down for the evening. Smells & sounds of waterfall, trees blowing, thunder in the distance. Listening to my breath as I do yoga and meditations, listening to my body and the magical systems within that only want the best for each of us. These are a few of my favorite things :)

Idiomas que hablas: inglés (Nativo)

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