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Ari Salazar

Profession: Paramedic

Intérêts: I'm an adrenalin junkie! I love scuba diving (PADI), mountain biking, sport kites, hiking, camping, fishing, white-water rafting, bungee jumping, skydiving, rock climbing, speed rappelling, weight training, bodybuilding, mixed martial arts, taekwondo/moo doo kwon (2nd dan black belt), aikido (black belt), krav maga, Brazilian jiu-jitsu, freestyle wrestling, boxing, magic and performing arts, classically-trained tenor, remote control cars, trucks and drones, dance and musical theatre, self-improvement, and motivational courses. I'm a jack of all trades and master of some (not none!).

Éducation: University of Florida
Associates Degree in Paramedical Sciences
Bachelors of Science in Microbiology

Langues parlées: anglais (Maternel), tl (Courant), espagnol (Conversation)

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