
Amanda w

専門分野: Cambly
English Language Instruction
I have been teaching for over 4 years with Cambly, and specialize in teaching Cambridge and IELTS exam preparation.

English Language Instruction
I teach all levels of any nationality.

EFL teacher
English Language Instruction
Portugal, 12 years teaching all levels of students. Specialising in Cambridge exams preparation.

EFL teacher
English Language Instruction
Italy and Sicily, 2 years teaching all levels of students general English

興味: Family, cooking, culture, travelling, fashion, making clothes, history, current affairs, reading

学歴: TEFL Cert
English Language Instruction
I am a qualified English as a Foreign Language teacher.

Degree in English Literature
I completed a university degree in English Literature.

話せる言語: 英語 (ネイティブ), ポルトガル語 (会話ができるレベル)
