CAMBLY 무료 평가판을 사용해 보십시오. 평가판은 결제가 필요하지 않습니다.

Matt B

전문 분야: English Teacher

관심 분야: I love food - both eating and cooking it. I really enjoy trying different cuisines, so I'd like to hear about what people eat in their countries. I also love traveling. I'm excited to meet new people and learn about their cultures, and hopefully discover my next destination. Some of my other hobbies are reading, playing guitar, and watching movies. I try to keep fit by running everyday, and I like to surf (or try to).

학력: I did my bachelor's degree in English and Spanish at Memorial University. I received my CELTA certificate from the International Language Institute in Nova Scotia.

가능 언어: 영어 (원어민)

프로필 동영상: