المهنة: Special Education Teacher
I taught special education to children ages 11-14. Many of my students were English language learners.
TEFL teacher
English Language Instruction
I was an English teacher in Madrid, Spain. I worked with all ages, from toddlers to school age children to adults!
First Grade Co-Teacher
I taught First grade Social Studies and Writing in a classroom with a significant amount of English language learners and special education students.
الاهتمامات: I am from the United States and I have several years of teaching experience, both in American schools as well as in teaching small group classes to both children and adults in Madrid, Spain. I am currently a graduate student living in New York City. Some fun facts about me include 1) I have a yorkshire terrier and 2) I hope to learn to surf at some point. Thank you so much for stopping by my page!
التعليم: Teachers College, Columbia University
current graduate student
Louisiana State University
BS, Elementary Education
لغات التحدث: الإنجليزية (اللغة الأم), الإسبانية (تحدُّث بطلاقة)
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