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Amanda Miller NYC

Profissão: Teacher, Cambodia; Real Estate Agent, NYC; Artistic Director, Philadelphia

Interesses: I love food, travel, and the performing arts. I currently live and work in Brooklyn, NY as a high-end, luxury real estate agent, and a freelance ballet and yoga instructor. I grew up travelling as a Navy Brat - I started dance in Guam! and have since studied, taught, and performed in Cambodia, India, Hong Kong, Spain, Poland, Germany, Holland, England, and throughout the USA. I was Artistic and Executive Director my own non-profit performing arts company in Philadelphia for 15 years.

Educação: Licensed Real Estate Agent
Certified Yoga Instructor
Independence Foundation Fellow, 2009
Artistic Observership, Siobhan Davies Dance, 2005
Professional Ballet School Graduate
High School Graduate

Idiomas falados: inglês (Nativo), francês (Básico), espanhol (Básico)

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