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Teacher Amy T

Profissão: TEFL Certified ESL Teacher
Education, English Language Instruction, Teaching
Currently an ESL Teacher for a private language school, also work for online ESL platforms since 2017, prior substitute teacher for K-8 school, taught all subjects, elementary & middle school, gifted, ESE, English, civics, business, PE Coach, etc.

Interesses: My interests are in psychology, nutrition and fitness. During college I worked as a fitness trainer where I taught exercise and nutrition. I love language and have been learning Spanish forever, so I know just how difficult it is to learn a language. I enjoy dancing, singing, running, biking, resistance training and spending time with my son, my daughter and my dog. I like to read and I love, love, love music!

Educação: Bachelor of Science degree
Mental Health, Education, English Language Instruction

Certificate of Completion in Legal Studies
Legal Studies program in all areas of law

Idiomas falados: inglês (Nativo), espanhol (Básico)

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