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Jessica Wyllie

Профессия: English teacher - Yoga Teacher - Retreat leader

Интересы: Keeping fit and being active – I practice Yoga daily, enjoy running and partake in a variety of fitness classes. Travelling- I am fascinated by different cultures and have travelled the world extensively including Europe,North America, Central America, Africa and Asia. Being creative – I enjoy the arts such as dance, drama, poetry and painting. I am also a very sociable person and enjoy meeting new people. I love helping people and working toward a positive change.

Образование: I have a Bachelor degree from the University of Greenwich, London, a Level 3 certificate in Counselling skills and an i-to-i accredited T.E.F.L (teaching English as a foreign language ) certificate with over 100 hours of classroom time.

Владение языками: английский (Носитель языка)