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Sun Pronunciation

Profissão: Voice-Over Actor
Performing Arts
I am a voice-over artist and have my own home studio. I regularly get work for animations, video games, audiobooks, YouTube Channels, and corporate gigs

Interesses: In Australia, I operated a film and theater school for young adults and children for several years before I moved overseas.
Nowadays, I work as a voice-over actor and have my own home studio.

I've lived in India on and off for the last 8 years running a small volunteer organization that helps tourists adopt street animals to take them to their own countries.

In that time I've also lived in Sri Lanka, Israel & Mexico where I have taught Yoga Anatomy, Ayurveda, Yoga Therapy, and Vegan Nutrition. All of these I am qualified in.

I love sharing knowledge, which is why I probably have studied many things in my life. My degree in Acting is where I studied phonetics. This is the method I use in my classes so that you will become fluent in English pronunciation and Intonation!

Educação: English Tutor
English Language Instruction
I have worked on a few platforms and teach mostly on Cambly now. Previously I did face-face English lessons

Idiomas falados: inglês (Nativo)

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