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Heather Leonard

Profissão: Reading Specialist and English Teacher

Interesses: Doctor Who is my favorite TV show! I really love to travel and visit new places. Reading is my passion and one of the reasons I became a Reading Specialist! I love to write and I've had two short stories published, most recently in May 2017. I'm working on my first novel right now. I also love to work my hands: sewing, knitting, and crochet. I enjoy cooking and gardening, but I'm afraid I'm not very good at either of them!

Educação: I have a Masters in Secondary Education from Teaxs State University-San Marcos. I have a BA in English from American Public University and a second BA in Drama from the University of Dallas. I am currently working on a second M.Ed. in Reading from University of Texas at Tyler (online program). I also hold multiple teaching certifications in the state of Texas: English Language Arts and Reading grades 4-12, Special Education, and Theater Arts.

Idiomas falados: inglês (Nativo)

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