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Sparkz A

Профессия: Student, Electrical Engineer

Интересы: I'm into a lot of things. I've always been into art. By art I mean all type of art. Music, acting, comedy, painting; you name it. I find it cool to be able to appreciate them. I'm not saying I'm skilled at any of them, I just thing they're Awesome. I like reading manga and comics in my off time. I'm also into video games (not just playing them, but finding out the process of how they are made, and where the ideas come from). I'm an all around culture nerd; not that I know everything about every culture, but I'm always all ears to learn something new about the world.

Образование: Associate in Engineering
Currently Pursuing Bachelors in Electrical Engineering at Rutgers.

Владение языками: английский (Носитель языка)

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